Aug 14, 2024 | Online Homeschool, Uncategorized
How to Create a Homeschool Transcript Creating a high school transcript for your homeschool student may seem intimidating, but it is a lot simpler than it sounds. A transcript is just a piece of paper that lists all the classes a student has taken, when they took...
Jul 8, 2024 | Online Homeschool
Throughout my twelve years of being homeschooled I have experienced traditional homeschool, local co-ops, live online classes, and asynchronous online courses. My favorite by far has been live online classes, as they provide benefits that none of the other options...
Jul 2, 2024 | Online Homeschool
Many people choose to homeschool their child because of the flexibility it affords their family. Through homeschooling, you have the ability to choose the content taught (i.e. secular or Christian), you can choose the curriculum, and go at the pace that best suits...
Jun 24, 2024 | Online Homeschool
While student loan debt has reached staggering levels in the United States, proactive financial planning can help aspiring individuals pursue higher education without accumulating a substantial debt burden. Through strategic utilization of scholarships, grants,...
May 17, 2024 | Online Homeschool
Excelsior’s writing club, the “Inklings of Excelsior,” is excited to present their first-ever literary magazine, called Excelsior’s Bookshelf! Members of the club have worked tirelessly to make the idea of showcasing creative student writing a reality. They chose a...