
Christopher LeBlanc

Christopher is 14 years old. On the day he turned two years old, he moved to Scotland and lived there for a short time. He enjoys traveling. Some of the places Christopher has visited have been Scotland, Canada, Alaska, Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, South Catalonia, North Carolina, Spain, Louisiana, and his home state of Texas. He enjoys playing LEGOS, playing video games, reading books, and building anything he can imagine out of cardboard boxes. Some of his favorite books are “The Alchemist” series, the “Harry Potter” series, “The Outsiders”, and “The Giver”. Christopher’s favorite movies and TV shows are “Monk,” “Psych,” “Sherlock,” “The Lord Of The Rings” series, “The Avenger” movies, and the “Star Trek” series. His favorite video games include “Minecraft,” “Roblox,” and “Terraria.” He also enjoys creating stories and composing music. Christopher is an active member of his Boy Scout troop and is working on his Eagle rank. He also has two cats, Buttercup and Spartacus and one dog named Coco. Christopher plays trumpet and piano and is trying to learn guitar and violin. He has been playing piano for nine years and it is one of his favorite hobbies, besides writing stories. He is excited to be a part of The Beacon at Excelsior Classes.

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