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Christianity in Context: A Comparative Study of World Religions


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Christianity in Context: A Comparative Study of World Religions


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:

This course explores Christianity alongside other major world religions, providing students with a deeper understanding of the beliefs, practices, and histories that shape different faith traditions. Students will examine the similarities and differences between Christianity and religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, while gaining insights into how faith shapes cultures and societies. Designed for middle school and high school students, the class encourages critical thinking and respectful dialogue, equipping students to engage thoughtfully with diverse perspectives while deepening their understanding of Christianity’s unique place in the world.

Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.

Course Details

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Homework Load

Date & Time

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Age Range

Class Duration



t is strongly suggested each student have a physical copy of a Bible, however, there are free versions online that are acceptable (, etc.). Because of the likelihood of students coming from a diversity of denominational (or non-denominational) backgrounds I do not require a specific version of the bible. Some acceptable versions are KJV, NKJV, NIV, NRSV, RSV, ESV.

Jamie Anderson

Kenneth Bracker is a homeschool graduate having been part of the original first wave of homeschooling pioneered by Raymond and Dorothy Moore in the 1970’s. By age eighteen Kenneth had worked on more than two dozen political campaigns as a full time campaign manager, spent two years working as an intern at the local cable station, and spent four straight summers volunteering at nursing homes and Alzheimer wards. Homeschooling for him involved real life application of the biblical values his parents instilled within him. 

Kenneth obtained his B.S. in Psychology from Baker College with a focus in Chemical Substance Abuse, and then his Master’s Degree in Liberal Arts from the University of North Carolina Greensboro. For the better part of a decade he was either leading bible studies at the local county jail, or working as a counselor at the Salvation Army Rehabilitation Center where he led weekly group counseling sessions as well as one-on-one counseling for the men who lived at the 9-month program facility. 

Kenneth is a small business owner, and currently works for Saint Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary overseeing their media and web development and is a manuscript editor for books and publications for Saint Andrew’s and the Orthodox Anglican Church.

Reared in the Great Books philosophy of education, Kenneth is an avid reader and having completed the Western Canon of literature decades ago, spends his free time studying theology and church history, as well as playing golf daily with his youngest son who is homeschooled and enrolled in Excelsior Classes. 


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