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Do You Have to Take Algebra 2 in High School?

Do You Have to Take Algebra 2 in High School?

When it comes to high school math, Algebra I is considered to be a staple class, but what about Algebra II? Is it necessary for all highschoolers? Many parents and students wonder what Algebra II offers and how it impacts future opportunities. There is not a...
How to Choose Classes with a Career in Mind

How to Choose Classes with a Career in Mind

Introduction Is your student overwhelmed with the thought of how to decide on a career? Do he struggle to know where his interests lie? Does she seem daunting by picking a single job for the rest of her life? A student who feels this way is not alone! For many high...
Excelsior Classes Live & Online Class Review

Excelsior Classes Live & Online Class Review

eSchooled Unpacks Excelsior Classes Thank you for the love, Amanda Melrose!   Amanda Melrose of eSchooled recently reviewed live and online classes. Here she demonstrates all the things to love about Excelsior Classes. Watch the full video...
Top 10 Best Online Homeschool Programs

Top 10 Best Online Homeschool Programs

eSchooled Reviews Top 10 Best EVER! We so appreciate being included in this overview from eSchooled! Amanda Melrose of eSchooled gives her Top 10. We are thrilled to be included! Our live and online classes feature real teachers and real classrooms with great peer...