
Word Problems in Math Class: An Important Oxymoron

Word Problems in Math Class: An Important Oxymoron

Why are word problems important in elementary school math?  What skills does solving word problems help students develop?  How do word problems benefit my math student? These are questions many of us ask as we help math students solve word problems.  After all, this...

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Can Two Negatives Really Create Something Positive?

Can Two Negatives Really Create Something Positive?

Is watching your child struggle in math really such a bad thing? A positive times a positive is positive, a positive times a negative is negative, a negative times a negative is positive.  What?? Ughh? Sigh? Head drops to table. To connect this to a personal real-life...

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How Can Studying Psychology Help Me TODAY?

How Can Studying Psychology Help Me TODAY?

Practical Applications of Psychology: Enhancing Daily Life Why study psychology? I get asked this question a lot. After 20 years of creatively trying to inspire the asker of the question to see how amazing and far-reaching experience in the field of psychology can be,...

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Need A COVID-Friendly Fun Family Activity?

Need A COVID-Friendly Fun Family Activity?

Discover the Joy of Outdoor Exploration with Geocaching! Are you and your children tired of being stuck inside because of COVID? Is everyone tired of the same old thing? Well, here’s something fun you can do to get everyone excited about getting outdoors again. Go...

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