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French III


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French III


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In French 3, students will learn sophisticated ways of communicating in French about travel, future plans, current events, relationships, and art, using a wide variety of verb tenses and idiomatic expressions. Integration of these skills will occur through activities like speaking in French during class, reading a work of French fiction (Le Petit Prince), and by listening to actual French news reports. Students will continue learning about cultural differences throughout the French-speaking world and discover many beautiful parts of the world where French is spoken. It is my hope that French 3 students will feel equipped and inspired to one day visit one of the many French-speaking countries and enjoy using their language skills to go beyond mere tourism and truly engage people of another culture, as this can be one of the most enriching experiences imaginable!

Course Details

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Class Duration


Bien dit!: Student Edition Level 3. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018. ISBN-13:‎ 978-0544861350

Please note:
This book can be purchased new or used from many book distributors. Just be careful to order the 2018 edition.

Jamie Anderson

Dr. Brigid Kharoufeh holds a B.A. in French and a B.S. in French Education from Miami University of Ohio, an M.A. in French from Bowling Green State University, and a Ph.D. in French from Ohio State University. Brigid loves to teach and share her passion for the French language and culture with others. She has had the opportunity to teach students of all different ages: elementary, middle school, high school, and college. Brigid believes the best way to relate to others is to learn their language. In fact, language itself is a window into culture!


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