Not everyone loves to read, but even people who do love to read should learn to be wise consumers of film. If you’re looking for an English class in which your student can learn critical thinking and literary analysis by studying movies instead of reading books, you’ve found it!
In this fun and engaging class, students will learn to analyze theme, character, plot, setting, point of view, conflict, mood, tone, irony, foreshadowing, flashback, symbolism, motif, and more; they will also analyze cinematic elements such as lighting, cinematography, sound, editing, etc. The required films represent a variety of genres, themes, and time periods.
Because students who have learned to analyze literary elements through film are usually more comfortable recognizing and evaluating those concepts in literary texts, this course will prepare students for more traditional literature courses in high school and/or college. Furthermore, learning to think critically about film makes students more mindful about—and less easily swayed by—media in general.
During class meetings, students will use guided notetaking as they explore each literary and cinematic element, and they will watch and discuss short films and clips to practice analyzing these elements. Between classes, they will watch and analyze full-length films and participate in lively discussions.
This class does not require formal papers, but students will complete three projects (one of which can be a paper if desired). Ideal for grades 8-12, this class counts as a half-year credit of English and pairs nicely with a semester-long writing class or another semester-long literature class for a full-year credit.
Why Students Should Study Film as Literature is an excellent exploration and starting point for this topic.
Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.
Parent H.R. –
My son really enjoyed this class. Mrs. Burnette is a fabulous teacher. She is patient, thorough, clear, and sincerely cares about her students.
Student M. –
Before taking this class I watched movies without paying attention to details or music. I did not appreciate any elements of the film. But with this class I have learned so much about film and literary elements and what to look for in a movie. It has also helped me become a wise consumer of film. Now, I really appreciate movies and films and everything that goes into making them. This class has been eye opening. I really enjoyed this class and I have a totally new perspective on film! If you are just like me and want to learn more about film, I one hundred percent recommend this class for you! Mrs. Burnette is such an an amazing and patient teacher!! She is always willing to help and she always makes each class fun and engaging!! I can’t say enough good things about this class! My one complaint is I wish it was a full year class instead of just half a year.
Student R. –
Before I took this class, I never watched movies with a keen eye. I simply enjoyed the plot, characters, and the entertainment. However, when I watch movies now, I don’t just watch them to fill time. I watch them to learn, to grow, to change even. I have learned that every movie maker has something to say. Whether or not it is worth learning from or even worth hearing, that is for us to analyze. We are not just to sit back and listen to everything that we are being told, but we are to analyze and learn and draw our own conclusions, to disagree or agree. Everything I watch, I watch from a brand-new perspective. Everyone should have the opportunity to take a class like this. It will change everything about the way you watch movies, and I promise, it will certainly be worth it!!:) Thank you so much for such an amazing class, Excelsior Classes and Mrs. B!!
Student H. –
I loved this class and highly recommend!! Even though its only one semester, I learned so much! I think almost every student could benefit from this class!!! 🙂
Student E. –
I absolutely loved this class!!!!!! This class taught me so many ways to improve a story in film or writing. This was by far my favorite class!!!! I had so much fun with every live session and assignment!!!!!
Student D. –
I loved this class! I think everyone should take this course. I helps you understand film more and helps you appreciate all the work put into it!
S.H. –
I absolutely loved this class. The class is an easy pace and very fun.