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A Special Event: Notetaking for Student Success


Instructor Email

A Special Event: Notetaking for Student Success


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:
$50.00 - (Full tuition price due up front)

This event is for junior high and high schoolers.

One of the most critical skills for students is understanding how to take effective and useful notes in an organized way that helps them to save and retain important information. Unfortunately, this also is one of the biggest struggles for many, and disorganization, lack of understanding, and feeling overwhelmed make note taking a difficult skill for many to master.  We will focus on knowing what to take notes on and note taking formats that will work in many contexts. Workshop registrants will have access to the recording for one month.

You will be billed in full at this time, and there are no refunds, so please plan wisely.

Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

Suggest Credit
Age Range

Class Duration


A short list of handy items for the seminar will be sent prior to the event.

Jenny Cutler graduated in 2005 with a B.A. in Education, and in 2012 with a Master’s Degree in Multicultural Education, both from Eastern University.  Jenny taught in both private and public schools until she had her first child and decided to stay home with him.  She ran a tutoring business during her first few years as a stay at home parent but found teaching online to be an ideal fit for her, and she made the switch in 2014. 


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