Registration for SY 2025-2026 Is Open!

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Composition Class


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Advanced Composition B – LETU ENGL 1023 or Honors


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:

Course Description
This course is a study of argumentation/logic and writing for the professions with an emphasis on using the personal
computer to plan, draft, and revise written projects. Each student is required to write a fully-documented research paper and to give an oral presentation in class. Prerequisite: ENGL 1013.

Course Goals
1. Students will develop your critical thinking skills as you read, study, and evaluate texts in written and
oral assignments.
2. Students will develop your ability to understand and engage productively in argument through the study
of argument theory and methods and through the study of logic and reasoning; you will apply your
understanding in your major essays and in in-class responses.
3. Students will develop your ability to select, assess, integrate, and rhetorically engage sources; you will
demonstrate your ability in your major research paper as well as in in-class assignments.
4. Students will develop your ability to effectively design and construct arguments by studying and using
specific organizational models; you will demonstrate your ability in each written argument essay.
5. Students will develop your ability to write rhetorically effective texts in each of your essay assignments.
6. Students will develop your ability to speak well, using language appropriate to the audience; you will
demonstrate your ability in your oral argument.
7. While our class arguments will be grounded within a Christian world view, students will develop
appreciation for a variety of viewpoints while looking for common ground; all written and oral
arguments will develop this skill.
8. Students will learn the basics of constructing an argumentative textual analysis; the literary analysis will
demonstrate this ability.


Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.


Special Note 1: Extensive use of camera and microphone is expected in this course.


Special Note 2: This course is available as dual credit; however, a student does not have to dual enroll to take the class. This is a rigorous course intended for students ready to handle university-level content and pace. Please contact the teacher if you have any questions about placement or to have a recent writing sample reviewed.


Special Note 3: Students enrolled in LETU/Honors courses, regardless of dual credit status, will communicate directly with their instructors. Parents will not be copied on emails or included in course correspondence. These courses are designed to promote independent learning and responsibility, aligning with college-level expectations as well as FERPA and privacy regulations. Parents should address any questions before the semester begins. Instructors will use the student email provided during registration for all course communication.


Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

Suggest Credit
Age Range

Class Duration


Perspectives on Argument,  ISBN 978-0134392882

Jess Woods graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor's degree in English Education and from Arizona State University with a Master's degree in English. She began her career teaching in a public high school; however, since 2013, she has been teaching middle school and high school English courses online.  Jess is a life-long reader and writer.  She comes alive in the company of words and music, and she has a passion for literature that reaches through every part of her being.  She believes wholeheartedly that each person has a relevant voice and perspective, and she eagerly teaches her students to embrace their individual voices by exploring their own thoughts and learning to confidently articulate them.  It is her desire to encourage growth in all students (regardless of their love for English courses…or lack thereof).  She considers it a tremendous success if she can awaken a love of literature and/or composition in her students. Jess currently resides in Alabama with her pastor-husband, Josh and their three kids. They also have a lot of animals and plants.  While reading and writing are clearly on the top of her hobby list, Jess also enjoys all things musical, cooking competition shows, gardening,  hiking, and traveling.

Check our calendar for start dates

2 reviews for Advanced Composition B – LETU ENGL 1023 or Honors (5/5 stars)

  1. Shani Gibbs

    My son took Advanced Comp A and B as dual credit with Ms. Woods. This class exceeded my expectations in its depth of learning, discussion, and writing. He is very prepared for full time college in the fall. Thank you for your dedication to the students and to excellence in teaching!

  2. Stacey

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