Is the U.S. a republic or a democracy? Should the mass media play a role in defining American government? Did the Founding Fathers define the government adequately? Do citizens serve the government, or does the government serve the people, abiding by the Judeo-Christian values granted it by the Constitution? Who holds the most powerful office in government?
This course will be an eye-opener for students! The objective of American Government is to provide pupils with an understanding of the principles and ideals of the Founding Fathers, the structure and function of the branches of government, as well as the policy considerations and politics facing our nation. Students will have an opportunity to participate in a Mock Congress utilizing concepts learned in this course. This is a highly interactive class, in which critical thinking and discussion are cornerstones. Supreme Court cases and original documents of the framers will be discussed and analyzed.
SPECIAL NOTE 1 : This course is available as dual credit; however, a student does not have to dual enroll to take the class. This is a rigorous course intended for students ready to handle university-level content and pace.
SPECIAL NOTE 2: As this is a writing-intensive course in accordance with LETU’s course syllabus, we ask that parents submit a sample of the student’s writing prior to the start of the class. The sample should be at least 250 words, typed, double-spaced, and formatted in proper MLA style. The teacher is looking for an informative piece, not a narrative or personal reflection. The purpose of this writing sample is not to prevent enrollment but to help the teacher evaluate the student’s readiness for the course, as it assumes familiarity with essay writing and citation practices. If you have any questions regarding placement, please contact the teacher directly.
SPECIAL NOTE 3: Extensive use of camera and microphone is expected in this course.
SPECIAL NOTE 4: Students enrolled in LETU/Honors courses, regardless of dual credit status, will communicate directly with their instructors. Parents will not be copied on emails or included in course correspondence. These courses are designed to promote independent learning and responsibility, aligning with college-level expectations as well as FERPA and privacy regulations. Parents should address any questions before the semester begins. Instructors will use the student email provided during registration for all course communication.
If you are not interested in an honors credit or pace, please consider Foundations of Government (Non-Honors).
Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.
Parent L. –
This was a very challenging, yet enjoyable class for my son. Mrs. LeBlanc did an amazing job teaching my son, and this is a great class to prepare you for college, especially if you want to pursue law school.
S.G. –
This class was challenging and excellent. Ms. LeBlanc did a thorough job teaching the students and walking them through the political process with fun, interesting, and varied assignments. This was one class I really wanted my student to take in an environment that encouraged historical truth and discussion – very thankful for this opportunity.
J.D. –
This was an excellent and challenging course. My daughter enjoyed the challenge, the class discussions, and the projects. Excellent college prep.
B. F. –
My son thoroughly enjoyed this class. A great preparation for college and for his participation as a citizen.