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Exploring Architecture


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Exploring Architecture


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:

Get to know the world’s most amazing buildings and architects! This semester-long course will introduce students to architectural history and design through freehand drawing, design, and analysis exercises. We will focus on the development of buildings and the strategies of architects. Students will be exposed to various architects and works of architecture throughout the course.

Weekly assignments will consist of a sketchbook or other drawing or design exercise, and a reading assignment with discussion board. Three projects will be done throughout the semester.

Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.

Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

Suggest Credit
Age Range

Class Duration


A list of drawing supplies and other common household objects will be sent to registered students. More information may be obtained by emailing

Melisa Kaiser is an architectural designer and homeschool mom of four. She completed an undergraduate degree in architecture at the University of Nebraska, and a Master of Architecture degree at the Illinois Institute of Technology where she received the Henry Adams Medal for graduating with highest honors. She studied high rise design, with an emphasis in energy efficiency and façade technology.

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