Registration for SY 2025-2026 Is Open!

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Epsilon Kappa Iota Spanish Club & Honor Society


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Epsilon Kappa Iota Spanish Club & Honor Society


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:

The EKI Spanish Club & Honor Society is open to any Excelsior Classes Spanish student who enjoys learning about customs, traditions, and cultures of Spanish speaking countries. Activities may include crafts, cooking, movies, games, music, and virtual field trips. Spanish conversation sessions may be included in our meetings too!

Community service is an important component of this club. Throughout the year, club members will provide Spanish tutoring sessions as well as plan and host ¡Fiesta Fabulosa!, a school-wide celebration of Latin American customs and culture.


Tenative Meeting Dates for SY 2025-2026:

Meetings will take place once a month on Thursday afternoons from 4-5 PM ET.

  • September 4
  • October 2
  • November 6
  • December 4
  • February 5
  • March TBA: ¡Fiesta Fabulosa!
  • April 9

Service Opportunities

Times will vary for the tutoring sessions and the ¡Fiesta Fabulosa!

Students must be current high school Spanish students with Excelsior classes. Induction into the honor society is dependent on various requirements. Learn more about Subject Clubs & Honor Society membership here.


SPECIAL NOTE #1: There is no charge to reserve a space in a club although you must have paid your family registration fee and be enrolled in the subject area. If you have already paid the registration fee, simply add the club purchase to the cart, and your teacher will be in touch soon. Club memberships are not purchased as a family; each student represents one club member.

SPECIAL NOTE #2: Please be advised: There are no refunds for clubs. If club attendance dwindles during the course of the year making the club unviable, there are no prorated refunds of club membership(s).

Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

Suggest Credit
Age Range

Class Duration



Martha Phillips was raised in a bilingual home and, thanks to her parents, is proficient in Puerto Rican Spanish, southern English, and Spanglish. She has lived in Puerto Rico, Mexico, and, as a military brat, many places in between.

Martha has a B.A. in Secondary Education and an M.A. in Spanish American Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, The College at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Guilford College. 

Martha’s experience is not limited to the collegiate level. She has taught Spanish in high school and middle school, English as a Second Language from the preschool to the adult level, and has homeschooled her own delightful daughters for the past 19 years


Check our calendar for start dates


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