Registration for SY 2025-2026 Is Open!

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Composition Class


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Foundations of Composition – (Structure and Form)


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:

This course will lay the necessary foundation for the composition skills needed across academic subjects. It is ideal for students new to formal writing instruction or those that need support mastering the foundational skills of effective composition. Beginning with solid paragraph construction, students will progress to writing essays for numerous purposes.  Students will be supported through the writing progress from brainstorming and outlining to the finished product.  Weekly work in Jensen’s Punctuation will also be utilized to aid editing skills.


Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.

NOTE: This is a high school level course which requires a firm grasp of grammar. Students should understand and be able to identify all parts of speech and have a basic understanding of phrases and clauses. We do not recommend this course for 7th graders or below due to the pace and the requisite grammar skills. If you have questions about English placement, please contact

Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

Suggest Credit
Age Range

Class Duration


Jensen’s Punctuation, ISBN: 978-1886061262 OR ISBN: 978-0890519943
Students will need access to a Gmail account if they do not already have one.
All other materials will be provided by the teacher.

Jenny Cutler graduated in 2005 with a B.A. in Education, and in 2012 with a Master’s Degree in Multicultural Education, both from Eastern University.  Jenny taught in both private and public schools until she had her first child and decided to stay home with him.  She ran a tutoring business during her first few years as a stay at home parent but found teaching online to be an ideal fit for her, and she made the switch in 2014. 

Check our calendar for start dates

2 reviews for Foundations of Composition – (Structure and Form) (5/5 stars)

  1. Alison

    [Student Name] took the ACT this month for the final time – he was hoping to get his math score up near that “perfect” level. When I picked him up after the test he stated that he had done great on the English section. He credited his preparation for that section to this Foundations of Composition class…

    When his scores arrived, he had improved his English score by 8 points!!! It is almost as high as his math score now!

    So, THANK YOU! … [this] class was a great preparation, and more importantly it was taught in a way that helped him retain the information.

  2. Anna B

    My sophomore completed this fall course 2023. Great emphasis on writing style and technique. Encouraged students to be creative in writing and thought process.

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Verified purchasers and students in the class are allowed to fill out a review. While not all comments are published, all comments are sent to administration and to the teacher.

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