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Intro to Criminal Justice – LETU CRIJ 1303 or Honors


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Intro to Criminal Justice – LETU CRIJ 1303 or Honors


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:
$104.40 - includes Yellowdig user license - see below

The study of criminal justice includes the examination of laws, law enforcement agencies and functions, corrections and rehabilitation, and the judicial system. This course will focus on these aspects of criminal justice as well as the history and philosophy of criminal justice. The nature and extent of crime in the U.S. will be studied, along with the impact and consequences of crime. As unbiased application of the rule of law is essential in achieving true justice, the development, concepts, and functions of law in the criminal justice system will be analyzed. Fundamentals of policing and law enforcement will be considered. Additional issues such as juvenile justice and terrorism will be evaluated. A Biblically-based foundation for understanding criminal justice will be developed and discussed.

SPECIAL NOTE #1: Tuition includes a user license for Yellowdig, an internal communications platform for students to use within Canvas. Yellowdig promotes deeper discussion and critical thinking skills.

SPECIAL NOTE #2: Due to the nature of some criminal situations, this course is best suited for mature dispositions.

SPECIAL NOTE #3: This course is available as dual credit; however, a student does not have to dual enroll to take the class. This is a rigorous course intended for students ready to handle university-level content and pace. Please contact the teacher if you have any questions about placement or to have a recent writing sample reviewed.

SPECIAL NOTE #4: Students enrolled in LETU/Honors courses, regardless of dual credit status, will communicate directly with their instructors. Parents will not be copied on emails or included in course correspondence. These courses are designed to promote independent learning and responsibility, aligning with college-level expectations as well as FERPA and privacy regulations. Parents should address any questions before the semester begins. Instructors will use the student email provided during registration for all course communication.

Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.

Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

Suggest Credit
Age Range

Class Duration


Yellowdig, an internal communications platform for students to use within Canvas (included in registration)

Bohm, R.M. & Haley, K.N. (2021). Introduction to Criminal Justice (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, ISBN 9781260253870

More God, Less Crime: Why Faith Matters and How it Could Matter More by Byron R. Johnson; ISBN: 978-1-599-47373-4 hardback

Textbook edition currently remains the same, but may change. Please contact instructor before purchasing textbook.

Ann LeBlanc loves learning and deep discussions. She received her Juris Doctorate from the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She has a B.S. degree in finance, and is licensed to practice law in the states of Texas and Louisiana. Ann’s experience includes many facets of the legal field and she has argued and written legal briefs at both the state district and appellate court levels in Texas and Louisiana and has also represented clients in Federal court. Ann is also an author and has distinguished herself in the authoring of legal publications and the presentation of seminars for clients and organizations such as the National Business Institute and various insurance agencies.

Ann fulfills her love of learning, however, by teaching. Ann is currently an adjunct professor with LeTourneau University where she teaches American Government and Introduction to Criminal Justice to dual credit students of Excelsior Classes. Ann has also served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Louisiana–Lafayette, teaching Business Law. A keen lover of logic and the Socratic method, Ann is passionate about teaching critical thinking skills and empowering today’s youth with the ability to analyze the problems of tomorrow, to ensure that our God-given rights and freedoms remain unalienable.


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