Registration for SY 2025-2026 Is Open!

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Practical Business Math


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Practical Business Math


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:
$237.00 - includes Cengage Math user license - see below

This practical course is designed to showcase how math is used in daily life both in business and personal finance. The course will begin with a quick review of Algebra 1 concepts such as basic computational skills and equations then will move forward to checking accounts, invoices, cash discounts, trade discounts, payroll, simple and compound interest, annuities, consumer credit, mortgages,  budgeting, purchasing, borrowing, investing, and retirement planning. Students will complete realistic, business math and personal finance problems as well as learning Excel spreadsheet basics. The material includes occasional business profiles to relate problems to the real world along with personal and business money tips. Critical thinking skills will be utilized.

All Excelsior math instructors use a Cengage-represented math curriculum. Students will have access to a digital platform that has many tools to facilitate learning. The digital user license is included in your course deposit. The material Excelsior Classes math classes will use is not common core aligned.

Parents and students can expect weekly homework assignments, chapter quizzes, tests, a midterm and final exam. This class meets twice per week. Each meeting is 60 minutes. Regular, live attendance is strongly advised. Recordings are available if a class is missed or there is a conflict with another course. Students should watch the recording as soon as possible.




Before registering, math students new to Excelsior Classes math courses and wanting to enroll must take a placement exam.


New math students should use these instructions  and take the Practical Business Math Assessment. While this course is typically done in the 8th grade (mature) or above, ability to do the work is more important than age or grade. The purpose of this assessment is to ensure students are well placed in Practical Business Math. Scan the completed assessment, including all scratch work and send to The assessment will be graded and Mrs. Hunter will make the appropriate recommendations for placement in the Excelsior mathematics program.


Special Note 1: If you register for the course prior to receiving teacher feedback and decide to withdraw from the course, the deposit remains non-refundable. The deposit is transferable to another math course or another course for the current school year. 


Special Note 2: As in all Excelsior Classes courses, math class instruction is tied to the curated syllabus, and the teacher will teach to the syllabus and not to a particular skill set of a student. In other words, the teacher cannot sacrifice content and expectations overall for an individual student as we need to stay in alignment with educational goals, class participant expectations, and NCAA approval of our courses.

Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

Suggest Credit
Age Range

Class Duration


Included in registration is the ebook for the text below. Excelsior Classes distributes the licenses for digital access.

Contemporary Mathematics for Business & Consumers, 9th edition by Geroge Bergeman and Robert A. Brechner
Physical textbook optional: ISBN: 9780357492703
Amanda Hunter

Dr. Amanda Hunter​ has enjoyed math & science since she was a child and became very interested in health care in high school which led her to Purdue University where she earned her Doctorate in Pharmacy in 2005. After seeing how closely diet and lifestyle are related to health and prevention of chronic disease, she also completed the Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching program in 2014. 

While she loved working in a traditional Pharmacy setting, Amanda has the heart of a teacher. Amanda’s significant educational background combined with her collegiate coursework and teaching experience make her a wonderful math and science teacher. Her students have included pupils who are advanced STEM students and those who are not as STEM-inclined. Amanda works to make her classes very practical while maintaining a college-preparatory standard. Students will learn how algebra, science, and health concepts will be applied to their adult-lives even if they do not enter a math/science field!. Online teaching for the past 7 years has allowed her to combine her favorite things… teaching, children, math, science, and health.


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