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Asia: The New Silk Road: A History of Asia from 1800 to the Present – IND. STUDY


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A land full of rich culture and vast resources, Asia is a region that has a profound impact on the world’s culture, economics, and politics. This independent study course allows students to take a deep dive into Asian history from 1800 to the present. Topics may anything from European conquests and the Opium Wars to the present-day Chinese Communist Party and its effects on the broader region. This course hopes to help learn about the major events that shaped this region, Asia’s relationships with other world powers, the economics and driving forces of the region, the environment, and how events in Asia influence us today. Other topics for study include culture, music, literature, art, and religion. Discussions can also include how Christians can think about these religions and minister to these people groups.

While parents may determine the nature of assignments, the course as a whole hopes to build the student’s ability to interpret primary sources such as a historical document, a piece of art, or a piece of literature. Parents and students will work with the teacher to set course expectations, readings, and assignments.

Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.

NOTE: Please contact the teacher to discuss your ideas for the independent study before registering.

Course Details

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Class Duration


Silence by Shusaku Endo, ISBN 978-1250082244


Claire Pattonenjoys teaching history and various electives for middle school and high-school students. Her classes combine detailed lectures about the history, art, literature, religion, and politics with dynamic in-class discussions about important sources from the era. Claire is passionate about showing students why the past matters to the present and how the past affects them today. She realizes that when students leave her classroom, they may not remember every detail about the Balfour declaration, but she seeks to teach every student how to find information, read and understand primary sources, interrogate data, and communicate well. Mrs. Patton values an active learning environment. Rather than just reading from a textbook, Mrs. Patton teaches students how to understand the material they read, synthesize material from multiple sources, and summarize those items effectively.  Rather than question such as “What color were the curtains in Chapter 5?” Mrs. Patton loves asking questions that help students work through the broader themes of the text and show how people of the past viewed their world and the situations they lived through.

Claire holds a Master of Public History and a Bachelors of History from Oklahoma State University. During her masters, she worked as a teaching assistant and she has independently taught a research writing intensive seminar for upper high-school students. Claire’s scholarly work focuses on women in the west from 1875 to 1945. Past projects include cleanliness and clothing in the Dust Bowl, the women’s Navy auxiliary service in World War 2, and clothing on the American frontier. She has extensive experience working in museums, setting up exhibits, and interacting with the public. During the summer of 2022 she worked at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Museum as an intern in the curatorial and education departments. Claire has published in Forma Journal (Summer 2021) and currently has a scholarly article out for review at the Western Historical Quarterly. She has presented at numerous academic conferences, including the American Historical Association.

Claire also enjoys teaching sewing to friends both young and old. She began sewing when she was nine and hasn’t let off the foot pedal yet! Claire loves to design her own clothes and bring her creations to life. She took this love into her scholarly work and as a part of her master’s thesis, Claire conducted extensive research and then recreated an original 1875-1885 dress held in the National Cowboy and Western History Museum.

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