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Exploring Space


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Exploring Space


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The final age of exploration is truly that of space! The Word declares that this is indeed His glory and His handiwork! In this course students analyze and explore this final frontier available to man. Why enter space? What are the benefits? What are the consequences? What are the dynamics involved in it, both scientific and political?

Students will come to understand manned and unmanned space flights including the framework and workings of spaceflight, the various vehicles used, the launching systems as well as flight mission systems and protocols. The first half of the course covers the history of the space program, particularly the space race with the former Soviet Union. The second half is an introduction to the science of orbits and propulsion. Pupils also examine the engineering aspects of current technology such as Nano, robotics and even the pioneering commercialization of mankind’s last frontier.

The classroom time for this course is small group-oriented. Be prepared to work together with fellow classmates!

Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.

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Exploring Space Textbook, ISBN: 9781537597089  (Amazon only)
Space Student Workbook, ISBN: 9781519668455  (Amazon only)
When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions DVD 4-Disc Set

Lt. Col. Gene Doremus grew up on a dairy farm in upstate New York in a very large family: eight brothers and six sisters. After nine enlisted years in the Air Force, he became an officer and served twenty-two more years, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. Most of his career was in munitions or aircraft maintenance where he proudly served on the deployed headquarters staff during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. His claim to fame came immediately after 9/11 when he led the U.S. Central Command’s Joint Munitions Office for Operation Enduring Freedom. Retiring in 2005, he taught JROTC for six years.


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2 reviews for Exploring Space (5/5 stars)

  1. J.R.

    Fantastic experience. My son took this class as a follow-up to Astronomy and regularly comments on the impact and challenges that have been faced by the space programs of the past and how they relate to everyday news. Lt. Col’s teaching style and projects really worked for my son!

  2. Catherine G

    Lt Col Doremus is A GEM! His teaching style is warm and wonderful, engaging and fun! He expects his students to work hard and learn a lot, yet he makes the course material interesting and fun. My son quickly became enamored with the idea of space travel in this class! I personally sat on the couch in the background during many of the class sessions so I could listen in and learn along with my son. Taking this class is “a must!”

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