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Life Science


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Life Science – GROUP 2


Deposit Due at Time of Registration:

Life science is a great introductory science class for grades 6-8 that will introduce students to the concepts of biology first semester and expand on the human body systems second semester. Students will learn about the organization of biology, molecules important to life, cells, DNA, heredity and genetics, types of living organisms and the human skeletal, muscular, integumentary, nervous, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and urinary systems. Students will complete weekly classwork that may include some reading, worksheets, activities such as creating models or diagrams, etc., and also some lab activities. Students will complete a quiz approximately every three weeks over material being learned in class.

Lab activities: Students will receive a lab kit in the mail during the first couple of weeks of classes that includes lab items that will be needed during the year.  There will also be some perishable or common household items that students will supply themselves from home such as salt, food coloring, tape, etc. (a complete list will be given in class).  The kit will be approximately $65, and the teacher will give instructions for paying this lab fee once class begins.

Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.

Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

Suggest Credit
Age Range

Class Duration


Shepherd Science Life Science, 2nd edition, by Dr. Scott Hardin, textbook or ebook,  ISBN 9781733412032


Shepherd Science Life Science, 1st edition, by Dr. Scott Hardin, ISBN 978-0-9828568-3-3


Lab Supplies: Students will receive a lab kit in the mail during August that includes lab items that will be used during the year.  The kit will be approximately $65, and the teacher will send instructions for paying the fee before classes begin.

Debbie Stokes

Debbie Stokes has been teaching science classes since 1991 and still finds great awe in how  beautifully and intricately the Creator designed all things. She finds it a great privilege to  journey through the “study of life” with students! 

Debbie graduated cum laude from Kennesaw State University in 1991 with a B.S. in biology. She  soon after earned her M. Ed. in science education from Georgia State University. Debbie taught  high school science classes in the public school system of Cobb County, Georgia for sixteen  years and has taught science classes online since 2011. She describes her teaching style as a  combination of passion for the subject matter mixed with creativity and fun.

Check our calendar for start dates

2 reviews for Life Science – GROUP 2 (5/5 stars)

  1. Jessica W

    This is THE class that ignited a love of science in one of my kids. Mrs. Stokes makes the content fun and easy to navigate while still providing challenge.

  2. E.P.

    My son truly enjoyed Mrs. Stoke’s Life Science class! Her teaching style is fun. My son enjoyed the assignments and experiments. This class really prepared him for biology, which he also took with Mrs. Stokes the following year. I highly recommend Mrs. Stoke’s Life Science class!

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