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Screenwriting 1 is a 15-week creative writing course focused on the screenplay as a literary genre, with practical application as students write their own short film scripts.

The course takes students through a process of analysis of storytelling in screenplays, development of original creative stories, and writing exercises to create polished screenplays of their own. This is an essential skill for any student interested in pursuing filmmaking, and it’s a lot of fun for students who just love to write and want to explore different writing styles.

Screenplays are a modern form of literature and are unique in that they are created as the foundation of another medium, narrative film. They possess all of the literary qualities of other story forms: character, plot, dialogue, theme, etc. but convey these elements in a unique and exciting format that is intended to be portrayed visually. Join us as we explore this important modern storytelling medium.

Screenplays completed in this class will be ready for production by students independently or to be further developed as part of the Film Producing & Directing class in the spring semester.

Please view prerequisites and required supplies below.

Course Details

Live Meetings

Course Min/Max

Homework Load

Date & Time

Suggest Credit
Age Range

Class Duration


Textbook: The Screenwriter’s Bible, 7th edition by David Trottier, ISBN: 978-1935247210  — approx. $20 on Amazon.

“Flipped” Classroom Model: In order to cover more material in an on-line setting, students need to be prepared to watch pre-recorded lecture material before some weeks’ classes. This will be posted and explained. Working in this way helps to maximize live class interaction.

Equipment & Software: One of the great things about writing is that you don’t need a lot of gear (unlike other parts of filmmaking!)  Students will need to have a working word processor program and a DVD player/movie streaming service for some assignments. As we begin to develop formal screenplays, it will be helpful for students to invest in screenwriting-specific software such as Celtx (there is a free version), WriterDuet (free, online), Slugline (inexpensive, but Mac-only), FinalDraft, or others we will discuss in class.

Tom Khazoyan began his career on the production side of the film and television business. He’s been fortunate to have worked on award-winning projects as a writer, producer, director, cameraman, and editor. He has produced projects ranging from television commercials to documentaries to dramatic films in over 30 countries.

Since 1998 Tom has served as a missionary filmmaker with Pioneers, and has created hundreds of projects, including the feature-length motion picture, “The Enemy God”.

In his ministry life, Tom works collaboratively with missionaries and filmmakers in other countries to produce visual stories and to empower emerging filmmakers in other cultures with the goal to make Jesus Christ and his kingdom known in places that are yet unreached. This work takes the form of media strategies, film training courses, partnership in producing films, and individual mentoring.

Tom has been teaching online film and screenwriting classes and in-person workshops since 2010. In 2015 he finished graduate school with an MFA in Professional Screenwriting. He also teaches communications at Colorado Christian University.


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