Excelsior Classes has many features of a typical school: traditional schedule, dedicated teachers, testing, grades, and community.
Unlike a typical school, parents are responsible for final placement of students in courses and purchase courses a la carte (as many or as few as desired). Excelsior Classes is fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges. This accreditation ensures our courses meet high standards; however, we do not grant degrees or diplomas. Parents maintain responsibility for their students’ course selections and transcripts, and students do not need to enroll full-time, allowing for great flexibility
As a Supplementary Education Provider, an SEP, Excelsior Classes provides a final grade PDF for each course completed. This serves as proof of your student’s grade and achievement in the course. By noting on your transcript that the course was taken with an accredited provider, you have verification that your student’s grades are legitimate and official for your own complete transcript. Additionally, parents can log in as students to print a detailed gradebook prior to course closure in our Learning Management System (LMS).
For parents seeking a comprehensive overview of their student’s academic progress, Excelsior Classes offers a single-page summary for either grades 5-8 or 9-12. This transcript includes the student’s demographic information, course titles, teacher names, class durations, and grades earned, serving as validation for your academic records and homeschool transcript. The course listing includes live and self-paced courses; independent study courses are not included on the transcript. To request a transcript, please complete this form.
As with any program, it is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that the target or intended school or entity will accept your verification. Excelsior Classes cannot guarantee acceptance by any particular program.