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A Biology Lesson from my Four-Year-Old Son

A Biology Lesson from my Four-Year-Old Son

I had a powerful exchange with my son when he was four years old, and his words made such an impact on me that I wrote them down after the conversation happened. Son: (looking quite pensive) Mom, when was I born? Me: May third. Son: (with much astonishment and...

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5 Signs a Medical Career Might Be a Good Fit for You

5 Signs a Medical Career Might Be a Good Fit for You

Have you ever considered a job working in the medical field? Such a career is a great option for many. Because there is a growing population in need of medical care, there are many jobs available. The education and training programs needed to qualify you for a career...

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Ignite a Passion for Reading with Science Fiction

Ignite a Passion for Reading with Science Fiction

Is your student a reluctant reader but an avid consumer of movies and games with science fiction themes? Many find the themes frequently explored in science fiction — a passion for traveling through time to the distant reaches of the universe, the creation of...

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The Power of Point of View

The Power of Point of View

If you write much at all, you’ve probably run into issues within your writing. Maybe you realize that a character isn’t coming across the way he/she needs to. Maybe you run into a snag in the plot. Maybe you simply don’t know where the story is going. There could be...

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Tips to Make Your Living Space Seem Larger

Tips to Make Your Living Space Seem Larger

If you are starting to feel a little cramped in your living space, wanting to freshen up, or, like me, selling your home and want it to look its best, then here are a few tips on how to make your home feel larger. Optimize your spaces functionally and visually. The...

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Why Students Should Study the American Civil War

Why Students Should Study the American Civil War

The Civil War was long ago. It happened, the good guys won, slavery ended, and American History marched on, right? Then why is it important to study the Civil War, and to honor those who fought on both sides of the Conflict? America had been putting off resolving...

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So, What’s the Deal With the Long German Words?

So, What’s the Deal With the Long German Words?

Mark Twain once wrote, “Some German words are so long that they have a perspective.” He wasn’t far off the mark. German is definitely known for its ϋber-long words. Many words in the German language are formed by combining two or more words, known in English as...

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Astronomy: Lost and Found

Astronomy: Lost and Found

Astronomy is by far the oldest science. Adam and Eve certainly marked off their days by the rising and setting sun, and marked their months by the moon’s phases. They watched the star patterns come and go with the seasons. And about one hundred years ago, astronomers...

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