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Are You Stressed? Five Tips to De-Stress Right Now

Are You Stressed? Five Tips to De-Stress Right Now

Let’s face it; times are tough right now. Just about everything in our world feels turned upside down thanks to COVID. Many of us have lost our regular sources of social support as we find our in-person co-ops or other classes, sports teams, prayer groups, mom’s...

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Incorporating Literature into Your Study of History

Incorporating Literature into Your Study of History

A good textbook is a vital tool for the student of history.  It can outline the story of history concisely and can help the student answer the basic questions of when and where and why.  But adding elements of literature can be a valuable way to flesh out your study...

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Grammar Matters: The Far-reaching Impact of Grammar Instruction

Grammar Matters: The Far-reaching Impact of Grammar Instruction

The Significance of Grammar Mastery Grammar? Do we really need to learn that? Indubitably! When people dismiss grammar as being unimportant, it’s usually because they don’t understand the purpose of grammar. Grammar involves more than just memorizing the definition of...

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Can Math Draw You Closer to God?

Can Math Draw You Closer to God?

Exploring the Fibonacci Sequence: A Mathematical Journey in God's Creation Lately, I have been entranced with spiders. The bigger the better. The furrier the cooler. The more active the more enticing. I start each morning with a hot cup of coffee in hand, go to my...

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Developing a Cohesive Science Curriculum

Developing a Cohesive Science Curriculum

Navigating Science Education: From Elementary to High School Why should my student study science?  Other than the obvious answer of “to graduate,” I would recommend science classes to assist students in thinking analytically as well as applying theories to reality. ...

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What Can I Do With a Degree in Psychology?

What Can I Do With a Degree in Psychology?

Have you ever thought about what a degree in Psychology could mean for your child? Years ago Psychology was a social science primarily understood as training to be a clinician (a therapist). Today there are so many subfields or specializations within the discipline...

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Why Do My Students Need to Take Advanced Composition Classes?

Why Do My Students Need to Take Advanced Composition Classes?

Unveiling the Importance of Critical Media Consumers Students must be taught to become critical consumers of media in order to avoid being manipulated by a variety of deceptive ideologies. In our modern world, there are few limitations on publications. People can post...

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