Gene is a high energy, “all-fun-all-the-time” type of teacher. His enthusiasm on every conceivable topic is contagious. A biblical, Christ-centered worldview permeates everything he does.
Gene had a 31-year Air Force career, starting as a Cold War defender, then Operation Desert Shield/Storm, and finally Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Most of his time was in the Munitions career field, but he finished as Professor of Aerospace Studies at California State University, San Bernardino. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2005. He has a B.A. in Political Science, an M.P.A. in Public Administration, and completed Air Command & Staff College in residence.
Teaching is his passion: six years in the Air Force, six years in a public high school, and six years as an on-line teacher to homeschooled students. On-line Christian teaching is his calling. To come alongside parents as they endeavor to teach their children at home is the pinnacle of his life’s work.
Those 17 years of formal teaching pale in comparison to his 32 years of teaching adult Bible classes. The Air Force moved him 13 times, but that did not deter him from quickly getting engaged in a local church and using his gift of teaching to build the Kingdom of God. Teach through the week, then teach on Sunday; it is what Gene does, it is who Gene is.
Lt. Col. (ret.) Doremus lives in rural, upper upstate New York with his wife Mary. He has three sons, a step-son and a step-daughter. In his blended family, he has 14 grandchildren, including one set of identical twin girls and another set of identical twin boys.
Christian Worldview: Disillusionment
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The Great American Eclipse of 2017
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The Total Solar Eclipse of 1919
The Total Solar Eclipse of 1919 Today I want to explain how the total solar eclipse in 1919 made Albert Einstein a celebrity. To do that, I must refer to his General Theory of Relativity. And I simply cannot grasp it. I was taught it, I’ve read about it, I’ve watched...