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Advanced Composition A – LETU ENGL 1013 or Honors

After developing a strong understanding of composition, students will take this class to develop effective and meaningful strategies for writing essays in a variety of formats. The class content focuses on developing a repertoire of writing strategies that can be applied in a variety of writing genres in order to best prepare students to be successful in college courses. For this purpose, students will write narratives, summaries, analytical essays, and persuasive papers in order to round their experience in writing. The course will target specific grammar and stylistic strategies as well that will help each student to excel in their composition endeavors.

Special Note: This course is available as dual credit; however, a student does not have to dual enroll to take the class. This is a rigorous course intended for students ready to handle university-level content and pace. Please contact the teacher if you have any questions about placement or to have a recent writing sample reviewed.

Advanced Composition B – LETU ENGL 1023 or Honors

Competent essayists will pursue this class in order to better their composition skills and develop effective rhetorical strategies. Students will learn to adapt their writing for audience, exigence, and purpose. Students will learn from mentor texts of renowned essayists and speech writers who have earned great esteem for the presentation of their ideas. Additionally, critical evaluation of revision focuses such as diction, tone, and syntax will provide students with tools to highlight their powerful ideas through rhetoric. Students will work with MLA and APA formatting to research and write across the disciplines.

Special Note: This course is available as dual credit; however, a student does not have to dual enroll to take the class. This is a rigorous course intended for students ready to handle university-level content and pace. Please contact the teacher if you have any questions about placement or to have a recent writing sample reviewed. LETU ENGL 1013 or an equivalent is a prerequisite for those pursuing dual credit.

Symbols of America

A great introduction to American History for your young learner. Discovery the stories of symbols of America – the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, and so many more. Each week students will have an opportunity to create projects related to the symbol of the week.

Heroes of American History

Through the lens of biography, this course is a study of the lives of men and women who made a difference in American history. Well-known heroes like Paul Revere and Samuel Adams, and even lesser-known ones like Mary Ludwig and Daniel Webster will be introduced in the light of the events they shaped – the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Civil War, and beyond.

More Heroes of American History

Through the lens of biography, this course is a study of the lives of men and women who made a difference in American history. Well-known heroes George Washington and Alexander Hamilton and lesser-known heroes like Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Dr. Charles Drew will be introduced in the light of the events they shaped: the founding of United States, the Civil War, and World War II.

Interactive History Adventure – Ind. Study

Students will read a book from The Interactive History Adventure Series and follow the paths of three different people who are experiencing a specific period of American History; students examine these individuals and the decisions made to determine the historical outcomes. After writing a reflection about the book, students will choose three topics of interest […]

Focus on American History – Ind. Study

Students will read one of the books listed below and write a book review of the book. Then chose a topic within the reading to investigate further and write a 6 to 10 page paper on the topic. One of the following titles will be selected: 1776 by David McCullough (ISBN-13: 978-0743226721) Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose […]